17th October 2019
A topical and thought provoking political commentary on the State of Nature today in the UK and an indictment on those who are supposed to protect it. It also highlights how we inadvertently impact on the global environment and what we can do to change things for the better. The show is satirical in nature and hopefully ‘funny’ whilst making some very serious points.

Jeff Clarke is the Director of his own ecology company, Ecology Ltd. He is a lifelong birder and naturalist, a campaigner on the environment and a passionate educator on the natural world. He runs his own bird watching courses ‘Birdcraft’; wildlife holiday tours, both at home andabroad, and he is a professional public speaker. He indulges his passion for cetaceans and seabirds by travelling the world’s oceans on boats and ships both large and small. Though Jeff definitely has the ‘travel bug’ he is just as happy watching the Reed Buntings that cometo his garden each winter. If he has any spare time to himself he’s most likelyto be found with his camera in his hand indulging one of his loves, of wildlife photography.

A well known fast food chain’s promotional material inadvertently polluting the seas.